Healing the spirit (deel 2) - Arcturus


Healing the spirit (deel 2) - Arcturus

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This course is following “Healing the Spirit part 1”, with higher dimensions growth, development, evolution and healing of the participants. It offers detailed information, for the higher spiritual structures, functions, injury and dysfunction patterns of the spirits’ world, with new powerful methods and tools.

All participants are directly connected to the origin of the universal element of creation.
Then go through transformational crowning by the creator, for direct spiritual communication with the divine soul, arc angels and the presence of the creator. This allows a better foundation for high spiritual communication and vision capacities. Higher level of spiritual protections are added…

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This course is following “Healing the Spirit part 1”, with higher dimensions growth, development, evolution and healing of the participants. It offers detailed information, for the higher spiritual structures, functions, injury and dysfunction patterns of the spirits’ world, with new powerful methods and tools.

All participants are directly connected to the origin of the universal element of creation.
Then go through transformational crowning by the creator, for direct spiritual communication with the divine soul, arc angels and the presence of the creator. This allows a better foundation for high spiritual communication and vision capacities. Higher level of spiritual protections are added and integrated to the “one method” tools that are already present.

The pain body of the ego, will be recognized with identifying the patterns of its effects.
Focus is made for better use of the truth detector practices, for diagnosis, and treatment of conditions that are effecting the body and higher spiritual dimensions.

There are many meditations, practice time, personal healing time and channeled answers for questions. The course is enlightening, and offers a powerful and transformative experience

Purpose of the course:
- Help the participant to improve personal and spiritual awareness level.
- Improve intuitive and sensory communication.
- Provide tools for diagnosing and treatment of conditions related to the spiritual and the soul.
- Increase the participant effectiveness ease and safety of function, at the higher energetic systems, on the spirit soul levels.
- Increase the general knowledge understanding and integration of spiritual functions in their practices and life.
- Help the participant to improve quality of life, creation and abundance for self, loved ones and clients.

Course Content:
- Structure of the worlds, and anatomy of the spirit, with correlation to the body
- Upgrade of protections and tools.
- Cosmic war
- Connection to the origin of the universe’s elements.
- Acceptance of a crown from the creator.
- Acceptance of a personal angel group guides
- The circle of life of the soul, soul counterparts
- Effects and karma from previous life reincarnations
- Injuries to various spirit levels, and their healing.
- Various attachments to the spirit and soul,
- Channels and portals effects from other universes.
- Entities and parasites effect on health and mental status and function.
- Black holes, detachments, losses of spirit and soul.
- Evil eye curses and spells clearing.
- Core fears
- Connection to the universal abundance gate

About Osie Steinberg:
- Licensed physiotherapist MA
- 33 years experience in Israel and USA
- Manual physiotherapy
- IMT- integrative manual therapy
- Manual osteopathy
- Spiritual healing and rehabilitation
- Channeling of arc angels

Treatment specialities:
- All chronic pains
- Musculoskeletal dysfunctions
- Neurological dysfunctions
- Developmental delays
- Energy and spiritual base dysfunctions

Integrates conventional and alternative medicine.

Broad experience and knowledge.

Provides private treatments and tele-healing.

Offers courses, seminars, lectures, consultations in Israel, Europe, U.S.A.
Teaches various courses of the healing arts. Healing the spirit and soul, as spiritual rehabilitation in three level courses, that she has developed.

She is practicing a wide range of conventional academic and medical based therapies, combined with a profound knowledge experience and abilities in the manual and healing arts.

She is specializing in treatment of chronic pain, orthopedic and neurologic problems, developmental and structural dysfunctions in all the body's systems, of all ages.

She is teaching several levels of Healing the spirit and soul as Spiritual Rehabilitation courses, Osteopathy based manual therapy courses, Empowerment and manifestation advancement seminars, lectures and private sessions in Israel and world-wide.

Organisatie: Arcturus

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