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7 Appium E-Learning trainingen, cursussen & opleidingen

Bekijk ook: Testmanagement, Selenium, Cucumber en Test Suite.

Bekijk ook: Testmanagement, Selenium en Cucumber.


Automation Using Appium

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In deze online Appium training staan we stil bij de concepten van het automatisch testen van mobiele en webapplicaties met Appium. In deze …


Advanced Appium

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Appium is the global standard in mobile app test automation. But it can do so much more. You can automate hybrid apps, work with files on d…


Automation Using Appium - Software Testing - Cucumber - Jenkins

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Na inschrijving van de Award Winning E-learning training Automation Using Appium, ontvangt u per e-mail een link om in te loggen in uw leer…


Test Automation with Python: 7 Mobile Automation with Appium

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This installment of the Test Automation with Python series covers native mobile app automation using Appium. The course includes a test app…


Test Automation with Python: 8 Additional Appium Features

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This installment of the Test Automation with Python covers some more advanced Appium features, starting with the mobile device itself and c…


Mobile Testing with Appium

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Appium is the most popular and comprehensive tool for automating mobile application testing. Write scripts in any language—Java, Python, …


Test Automation with Python: 10 Additional Appium Modes and Features

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This installment of the Test Automation with Python takes a look at scaling your test suite so that you can run multiple tests at a time. E…