5 IBM Db2 z/OS trainingen, cursussen & opleidingen
Bekijk ook: IBM Db2, IBM Db2 LUW en IBM Db2 z/OS.
Bekijk ook: IBM Db2, IBM Db2 LUW en IBM Db2 z/OS.
Db2 for z/OS 13: Introduction to System Administration [TDS_CV854G]

OVERVIEW This course introduces the skills and knowledge required to administer a Db2 13 for z/OS system. Utilizing the lecture and a z/OS …
Db2 13 for z/OS Utilities for Database Administrators [TDS_CV972G]

OVERVIEW This course is designed to teach database administrators advanced topics about Db2 for z/OS utilities with a combination of lectur…
Db2 13 for z/OS Basic Database Administration [TDS_CV845G]

OVERVIEW This course will expose the beginning z/OS DBAs (Database Administrators) to fundamentals of Database Administration for a Db2 13 …
Db2 13 for z/OS Advanced Database Administration [TDS_CV881G]

OVERVIEW This course introduces advanced database administration skills, including program preparation and the use of packages, online sche…
Db2 12 for z/OS SQL Performance and Tuning [TDS_CV964G]

OVERVIEW This course is designed to teach the students how to prevent SQL performance problems and how to improve the performance of existi…