13 Safe Product Owner/ Manager trainingen, cursussen & opleidingen
Bekijk ook: Agile (algemeen), SAFe Agile, SAFe Lean Portfolio Management, Product Backlog Management en Roadmap.
Bekijk ook: Agile (algemeen), SAFe Agile en SAFe Lean Portfolio Management.
SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM)

Korte beschrijving Tijdens deze tweedaagse training krijgen je goed inzicht in hoe je je rol als PO/PM in de Agile Release Train (ART) effe…
Scaled Agile Framework 6.0: SAFe Product Owner Product Manager (POPM) - Virtual

In a SAFe enterprise, the Agile Release Train (ART) is where the magic happens. Making sure each team knows what to prioritize and how Trai…
SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM)

Korte beschrijving During this course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of how to effectively perform your role as PO/PM in the Agil…
SAFe® Product Owner / Product Manager

for your team. In this training, you set out to learn about Lean thinking, breaking down epics into features and stories and how to drive i…
SAFe® Agile Product Management (APM)

Course Content Analyzing your Role as a Product Manager in the Lean Enterprise Continuously Exploring Markets and Users Driving Strategy wi…
SAFe® Product Owner / Product Manager (POPM)

Course Content Becoming a Product Owner/Product Manager in the SAFe enterprise Preparing for PI Planning Leading PI Planning Executing Iter…
SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager met POPM certificering

Het Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is een framework voor het organisatiebreed toepassen van Lean- en Agile-principes. De tweedaagse interact…
SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager (met certificering)

Versterk je Agile managementvaardigheden met de Syntra Bizz SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager cursus. Deze tweedaagse opleiding biedt gron…
SAFe® Agile Product Management (APM)

Korte beschrijving Design Thinking, Data Driven Market Research, Innovation Games, Market Segmentation, Personas, Product Strategy & Vision…
SAFe® Agile Product Management (APM)

Korte beschrijving Design Thinking, Data Driven Market Research, Innovation Games, Market Segmentation, Personas, Product Strategy & Vision…