Microsoft MTA 98-361: Software Development Fundamentals | Live Labs and 24/7 help included | 365 Days Access

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Microsoft MTA 98-361: Software Development Fundamentals | Live Labs and 24/7 help included | 365 Days Access

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DiviTrain is originally a Dutch education company with a proven track record of 19 years providing the latest award-winning IT courses thru innovative video-based e-learning complete with live labs for practicing, our unique 24/7 live help and 365 days access per course! These days DiviTrain provides her courses all over Europe and Africa.

Audience Profile
Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core software development skills. It is recommended that candidates be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the technologies described here either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and in Microsoft Visual Studio. Candidates are expected to have some experience with C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

  • create a basic C# program
  • define the basic structure of a C# program
  • create variables and constants
  • define different variable data types
  • create arrays
  • use math operators
  • create a basic C# program
  • read a text file and display its contents u…

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Er zijn nog geen veelgestelde vragen over dit product. Als je een vraag hebt, neem dan contact op met onze klantenservice.

Nog niet gevonden wat je zocht? Bekijk deze onderwerpen: C#, Microsoft Access, Software Development / Ontwikkeling, C/C++ en OO (Object Oriented) Programmeren.

DiviTrain is originally a Dutch education company with a proven track record of 19 years providing the latest award-winning IT courses thru innovative video-based e-learning complete with live labs for practicing, our unique 24/7 live help and 365 days access per course! These days DiviTrain provides her courses all over Europe and Africa.

Audience Profile
Candidates for this exam are seeking to prove core software development skills. It is recommended that candidates be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the technologies described here either by taking relevant training courses or by working with tutorials and samples available on MSDN and in Microsoft Visual Studio. Candidates are expected to have some experience with C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

  • create a basic C# program
  • define the basic structure of a C# program
  • create variables and constants
  • define different variable data types
  • create arrays
  • use math operators
  • create a basic C# program
  • read a text file and display its contents using C#
  • read a text file and display its contents using C#
  • use if statements
  • use if-else statements
  • use conditional operators
  • use switch statements
  • use while and do-while loops
  • use for and foreach loops
  • implement recursion in software programming
  • use exception handling
  • use try, catch, and finally statements together
  • create a class in C#
  • create objects from a C# class
  • create properties for C# objects
  • reference objects using the this keyword
  • use an object to trigger an event
  • use namespaces with objects
  • implement static members
  • implement structs
  • define the purpose of access modifiers
  • define inheritance in object-oriented programming
  • define inheritance in object-oriented programming
  • recognize introductory programming concepts

Programming Basics

  • use abstract and sealed classes
  • implement casting between types
  • use is and as
  • understand polymorphism
  • understand the override and new
  • understand the purpose of interfaces and use the IComparable interface
  • use C# lists
  • use C# arrays
  • use C# queues
  • use C# stacks
  • use C# linked lists
  • capture input in a console application
  • create random numbers
  • create a list of unique random numbers
  • understand the purposes of sorting algorithms
  • understand the quick sort algorithm
  • understand how to create a web page
  • understand the purpose of CSS
  • work with style sheets
  • utilize inline CSS styles
  • modify DIVs using CSS
  • understand the purpose of JavaScript
  • understand the basic rules of JavaScript
  • use JavaScript functions
  • reference HTML elements with JavaScript
  • modify HTML elements with JavaScript
  • Understand basic programming

Beginning Windows Applications

  • work with C# strings
  • understand string literals
  • use string indexing
  • use char and strings
  • work with substrings
  • convert strings to numbers
  • understand Windows forms applications
  • understand the basics of Windows form applications programming
  • understand Windows form events
  • create Windows alerts and dialogs
  • create tabbed pages
  • save files with a Windows forms application
  • open files with a Windows forms application
  • create a dropdown menu
  • create multiple document interface applications
  • create a toolbar
  • create a web browser
  • create a Windows application
  • set up a Windows application
  • finish a Windows application
  • use strings and the basics of Windows forms applications
  • MeasureUp Exam simulation
    • 130+ questions
  • Tips & Tricks
  • 24/7 Live Help

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