Migrate NoSQL workloads to Azure Cosmos DB (DP-060)

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Migrate NoSQL workloads to Azure Cosmos DB | DP-060 | DP060

Logo van DutchTrain

Migrate NoSQL workloads to Azure Cosmos DB | DP-060 This course will teach the students what is Cosmos DB and how you can migrate MongoDB a…


Migrate Open Source Data Workloads to Azure | DP-070 | DP070

Logo van DutchTrain

Migrate Open Source Data Workloads to Azure | DP-070 This course will enable the students to understand Azure SQL Database, and educate the…


Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB | DP-420 | DP420

Logo van DutchTrain

Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB | DP-420 This course teaches developers how to create …


DP-060 : Migrate NoSQL Workloads to Azure Cosmos DB

Logo van Business Training N.V.

This course will teach the students what is Cosmos DB and how you can migrate MongoDB and Cassandra workloads to Cosmos DB. The primary aud…


Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Azure Cosmos DB (DP-420) [M-DP420]

Logo van Global Knowledge Belgium BV

OVERVIEW This course teaches developers how to create application using the SQL API and SDK for Azure Cosmos DB. Students will learn how to…


Designing and Implementing Cloud-Native Applications Using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB (DP-420) E-Learning

Logo van @The Academy

This course teaches developers how to create application using the NoSQL API and SDK for Azure Cosmos DB. Students will learn how to write …


Microsoft DP-060 - Migrate NoSQL workloads to Azure Cosmos DB

Logo van IT-Learning

Deze combinatie van elearning, video-instructie en/of ebook en oefenexamen is de beste in de markt en een volwaardig alternatief voor klass…


Getting Started with Cosmos DB NoSQL Development [M-DP3015]

Logo van Global Knowledge Belgium BV

OVERVIEW This course teaches developers to utilize Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL API and SDK. Students will learn query execution, resource con…


Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty (DP-420) Cert Prep: 1 Design and Implement Data Models by Microsoft Press

Logo van IT-Learning

Cosmos DB is Microsoft Azure's flagship non-relational database product. It supports multiple application programming interfaces (APIs) tha…


Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Developer Specialty (DP-420) Cert Prep: 2 Design and Implement Data Distribution by Microsoft Press

Logo van IT-Learning

Cosmos DB is Microsoft Azure's flagship non-relational database product. It supports multiple application programming interfaces (APIs) tha…