Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC) | CCNA DevNet | Exam 200-901

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Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC) | CCNA DevNet | Exam 200-901

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CCNA DevNet | Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC) | Exam 200-901

The Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC) training helps you prepare for Cisco DevNet Associate certification and for associate-level network automation engineer roles. You will learn how to implement basic network applications using Cisco platforms as a base, and how to implement automation workflows across network, security, collaboration, and computing infrastructure.


– Take advantage of the network when you implement applications to fulfill business needs
– Gain a foundation in the essentials of applications, aut…

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CCNA DevNet | Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC) | Exam 200-901

The Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC) training helps you prepare for Cisco DevNet Associate certification and for associate-level network automation engineer roles. You will learn how to implement basic network applications using Cisco platforms as a base, and how to implement automation workflows across network, security, collaboration, and computing infrastructure.


– Take advantage of the network when you implement applications to fulfill business needs
– Gain a foundation in the essentials of applications, automation, and Cisco platforms
– Prepare for the 200-901 DEVASC exam, which earns Cisco Certified DevNet Associate certification


It is strongly recommended, but not required, that students have the following knowledge and skills:
– Basic computer literacy
– Basic PC operating system navigation skills
– Basic Internet usage skills
– Hands-on experience with a programming language (specifically Python)

Voor wie

This course is designed for anyone who performs or seeks to perform a developer role and has one or more years of hands-on experience developing and maintaining applications that are built on top of Cisco platforms. The course is appropriate for software developers, application developers, and network engineers who want to expand their skill base and validate their skills in programmability, software, and automation. Students preparing for Cisco Certified DevNet Associate certification will also find this material useful. The job roles best suited to the material in this course are: Network automation engineer, Software developer and System integration programmer

Package Includes

– 12 Months Online Access featuring ondemand instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio and video lectures
– Online Mentor
– Measure Exam simulation
– Tips & Tricks

Hybrid Learning is een unieke mix van trainingsmateriaal, video’s en oefeningen die de gebruiker zelfstandig kan toepassen op zijn leervraag. U heeft tot 12 maanden lang toegang tot het online trainingsmateriaal. Zo kunt u de geleerde stof meerdere malen doorlezen en oefenen om u optimaal voor te bereiden voor het examen 200-901 Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC).


– DevNet Overview & Setting up Tools in Linux
– Setting up Development & Virtualization Tools in Windows
– Working with Data Formats
– Software Development Methodologies
– Development Methodologies & Software Quality
– Code Organization, Design Patterns, & Version Control
– Working with Git
– HTTP, APIs, & Webhooks
– API Usage & Authentication
– Application Infrastructure, Deployment, Security, & CI/CD
– DevOps, Docker, Bash, & Unit Testing Basics
– Coding, Testing, & Managing Cisco Devices
– Configuring Devices with Bash, Python, & Ansible
– Network & Network Communication Basics
– IPv4 Addressing, Binary Conversion, & Subnetting
– Network Components, Connectivity, & Troubleshooting
– IP Services & Operational Planes
– Network, Collaboration, Security, & Compute Capabilities
– Python Scripting & Managing WebEx Resources

Exclusief examen

200-901 Developing Applications and Automating Workflows Using Cisco Core Platforms (DEVASC)

DutchTrain is een officieel geaccrediteerd Test Center voor Pearson Vue Test, Prometric, Kryterion, Castle Worldwide, Certiport & PSI. U bent bij ons van harte welkom voor examens welke via deze Test Centers beschikbaar zijn. Examens kunnen elke dag, binnen kantooruren, worden afgenomen.


U kunt ten alle tijden beginnen! Neem hiervoor contact op met een van onze opleidingsadviseurs.







Meer informatie

Kijk op onze website voor gedetailleerde lesinhoud, examens en meer details van deze training.

Deze training is ook beschikbaar als

– Klassikaal
– Maatwerktraining, neem hiervoor contact op met een van onze opleidingsadviseurs.

Leren is een persoonlijk proces met unieke leerstijlen. Als het aankomt op effectieve training, is er niet een “one size fits all” leermethode die iedereen past. Effectieve training houdt rekening met diversiteit door gepersonaliseerde aanpak. Dat kan met o.a. interactieve workshops, e-learning en samenwerking. Mensen hebben verschillende leerstijlen en behoeften - de kunst is om voor iedereen de perfecte pasvorm te vinden.

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