Agile Project Management Foundation - Private Class Room

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Persoonlijk Leiderschap (Essentials of Leadership)

Logo van Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University - Executive Education

The three-days Essentials of Leadership Programme helps you to become a successful leader with the latest knowledge and techniques to enhan…


Hybride Projectmanagement

Logo van Cadence MC (NL)

With the Cadence adaptive project management philosophy, this Hybrid PM training provides a practical, hands-on training for those who woul…


Training Crucial Conversations ® for Mastering Dialogue- High-Impact Communication Skills

Logo van VitalTalent B.V.

Essential skills for conversations that matter Crucial Conversations is a high-impact training for handling conversations when stakes are h…


Agile Projectmanagement Foundation

Logo van CLS Computertrainingen

Wilt u op een flexibele, snelle manier producten en diensten ontwikkelen die door klanten als waardevol worden ervaren? Dan is Agile een id…



Logo van Feedback Training & Consulting

"Ik ben niet op zoek naar de elf beste spelers maar naar de beste elf". Johan Cruijff Als teamcoach ondersteun je een team in zijn ontwikke…


Agile Project Management Practitioner (AgilePM®) - Includes Exam [AGILEPMP]

Logo van Global Knowledge Belgium BV
1 gegarandeerde startdatum

OVERVIEW This course covers how to operate in such an Agile fashion within an overall project framework. It is based on the DSDM Agile Proj…


PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner (exam included)

Logo van Business Training N.V.

This 3-day course aims at strengthening your competences as an PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner. This new certification is the ideal bal…


PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner (exam included)

Logo van Business Training N.V.

This 3-day course aims at strengthening your competences as an PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner. This new certification is the ideal bal…


PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner (exam included) - NL

Logo van Business Training N.V.

This 3-day course aims at strengthening your competences as an PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner. This new certification is the ideal bal…


PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner (exam included) - FR

Logo van Business Training N.V.

This 3-day course aims at strengthening your competences as an PRINCE2® 6th Ed. Agile Practitioner. This new certification is the ideal bal…

Giovanni Quilotte
warning Agile Project Management Foundation - Private Class Room is niet meer beschikbaar

"Goed: visueel en hands on voorbeelden van bv efficiency verbetering (domino spel).
Kan Beter: meer tangible voorbeelden van gebruik agile in the real world. Ok eventuele aansluiting met Prince2.
All in all een aanrader voor Project leden en PM's." - 01-10-2018 14:49

"Goed: visueel en hands on voorbeelden van bv efficiency verbetering (domino spel). Kan Beter: meer tangible voorbeelden van gebruik agile i… alles lezen - 01-10-2018 14:49